
作者:开云体育官网下载发布时间:2023-05-03 20:50

本文摘要:规范:Dear Mr. Kevin,I am writing to apply for the position of an Administrative Assistant as advertised in the Hand-to-Hand Paper.I have more than five years of experience in government agencies. I am sure my employment experience is perfect


规范:Dear Mr. Kevin,I am writing to apply for the position of an Administrative Assistant as advertised in the Hand-to-Hand Paper.I have more than five years of experience in government agencies. I am sure my employment experience is perfect for the Administrative Assistant position. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications.Looking forward to hearing from your response soon!Yours sincerely,Kidd译文:尊敬的凯文先生:我写信来是想应聘贵公司在手递手报纸上刊登的行政助理一职。我曾在政府部门供职,有五年多事情履历。


